Day 4. Jeremiah 33:14-15
(by Jason)
In our first Old Testament passage on our journey, I want to focus on the promise that God makes, and some of details of that promise. The promise of Jesus, God says, is the good promise. God has incredible and good intentions for all of His promises.
But one of the details links to what we have been talking about this last month on our lead up to the Youth Takeover. ‘In those days, and at that time, I will make a righteous branch sprout from David’s line;’. Both Joseph and Mary were in David’s line of ancestry, (they would have been distant cousins, so it was ok that they were together) so this is clearly one of those sign posts to Jesus being the one they were waiting for.
The most important thing about this though is that the promise would be fulfilled ‘In those days and and that time’. The time and place isn’t specified, but it was going to be at a specific time and place that God would fulfil this promise, and that shows that He is in full control and has a plan. Amongst all the craziness of Mary and Joseph’s lives, Jesus was born in exactly the right time and place. And THAT is praiseworthy.
Thank God today for His plans for you and for the world, and think about the promises and prayers you are still waiting on and think how amazing it will be when they are fulfilled.