Category Archives: Youth Blog

This is a blog for the Youth of the church.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 13

Day 13 – Matthew 2:1-12
by Meg

In Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth we find the story of the Magi – people who came from afar to search for the one who was promised. They brought gifts of gold, incense and spices to honour Jesus, and worshipped the baby born in a manger. However, while the Magi rejoiced to find Jesus, Herod was greatly troubled to hear of Jesus’ birth, and if you read on you will see that he takes drastic measures to try and get rid of this threat to his own power and authority.

Here we see two different responses to the news of Jesus’ birth. Think for a moment about how you respond to Jesus. Do you search after him and worship him, as the Magi did? Or would you rather cling on to your own authority in your life?

The Magi in their worship brought gifts that told of who Jesus was: gold for a king, incense for a priest, myrrh for one who would die as a sacrifice for us. Think for a moment about what gift you could bring to Jesus this Christmas. For example, Jesus is called “wonderful counsellor” in Isaiah 9:6. One gift we could give Jesus would be to turn to Him when we are in need and receive his counsel, and for us to listen to his advice in our lives.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 12

Day 12 – John 12:35-36
by Jason

So here we have the words of Jesus talking about Himself as the light and also giving hints to His own crucifixion and resurrection. By this time the disciples still didn’t fully ‘get’ who Jesus really was, at least not without doubts. But Jesus brings the point home to why He is the light, and why He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) and also you can see where John took Jesus’ words for the opening chapter of his gospel.

Jesus gives us this metaphor about walking in the light, and walking in the darkness. You could argue that much of the world is walking in darkness. We might not be able to claim that we have ever walked in darkness, because darkness makes it sound like we have done something really bad. But this also means people who don’t have a direction, and haven’t found their purpose or maybe even running away from something. These are two things the Jesus does give, direction and purpose, as well as hope where there isn’t normally any. Then when people finally meet Jesus, they see both, and see a point to life.

I guess the only or main proof to this is people’s testimonies, mine included. If you have met Jesus and know Him, remember back to that first time you believe in Him and thank Him for showing you the light. If you cannot claim you know Jesus, look for Him (and no He’s not behind the sofa). Jesus says that if you knock, He’ll answer. (Matt 7:7-8).

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 11

Day 11 – Zephaniah 3:17
by Jason

On Sunday, you suggested that the story of Mary tells us that we should not be afraid. Todays passage leads on from this, and gives us another reason to not be afraid in the current world situation, and to have hope and joy in what God thinks about you!

It says ‘He will take great delight in you’ and ‘He will rejoice over you with singing’. As Annie mentioned in last years devotional for this day, that is an amazing image. God loves you, as an individual, and loves you so much we will rejoice over you with singing.

It might be hard to see that sometimes, and I know I can struggle too. But we also need to realise that God is our creator and that His kingdom is not like the world. But His kingdom is coming. Take a moment and think about what it must mean to you that God, the creator of the earth, takes delight in you above all over creation and loves you so very much. So much He went to great lengths to save you for His kingdom. Then take a moment to thank Him.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 10

Psalm 119:105-106
By Lizzy

Today’s verses are so simple but at the same time so profound to living a life that not only pleases the Lord but also brings joy to you. The Holy Bible (the Word) is what God has given us to know how to live, to offer us comfort, to understand history and know about the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Right now we are in the darkest month of the year here in Sweden. It’s not uncommon to leave your house in the morning to go to school in the dark and come home in the dark. Not only is it a very dark physically here in Sweden but also spiritually. Many of you might be the only Christian in your class or maybe in your family, which can be very tough at times. I remember being in school here in Sweden and often times was made fun of for going to church every Sunday and youth group every Wednesday.

As tough as it can be at time to be a Christian in this dark place, don’t forget that God is the one who illuminates your steps before you. He sees the trials you go through and he is the one who will give you strength (especially if you stick to reading His Word) to get through them. Allow Him to be your guide through life and allow his Word to be the light in this dark world.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 9

Day 9 – Mark 12:28-30
by Jason

So after reading the text, some of you may be thinking…. why is this here, it has nothing to do with the Christmas story. But this has more to do with our attitude to Christmas and to God.

A lot of the conversations at school and even at Youth Group have been around the question, how do we know this is true? How is this valid? ‘Why does Jesus gain so much credibility?’ Because He did.

In this passage there is a teacher of the law (so an intelligent man) who has seen that Jesus has made a good argument, and given a good answer to a previous question. Jesus had shown all integrity and had built up trust with His followers so that they KNEW He was telling the truth, however outrageous it might sound.

Jesus goes on to say that of all the 10 Commandments (that are the centre of the Jewish law), the most important is to ‘love the Lord our God with everything we have’. Put in our heart, soul, mind and strength into how we love God. Society forces us to live out our faith half-heartedly, and in turn this puts us at risk of forming doubt over our faith. It’s a huge challenge.

Jesus, in todays passage, gives us  both reason to trust Him, and how to trust Him. Consider today if you you are in a place to love God with everything? If not, what is getting in the way? What doubts are clouding your minds? Ask God to clear the doubt, and see what comes of it. Jesus, whom we can trust, asks us to put Him first. Above everything else. That doesn’t mean we can’t love anyone else, or enjoy anything else, but it asks us to get our priorities straight.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 8

Day 8 – 1 John 4:7-8
(by Niels)

Today’s text is short, but important. It emphasises the kind of love that comes from God. Rather than being a feeling, this kind of love is a way of life.

God showed us this love through Jesus in two ways:

1. Jesus radiated love wherever he was and whatever he did.

2. God loved us so much that he sacrificed Jesus

Having shared this love with us, God allows us to love one another, just like he does. By having a relationship with God, we will start to radiate his love everywhere.

Take a moment to consider how God can show his love through you.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 7

Day 7 – Matthew 1:18-25 & Isaiah 7:14
(by Niels)

Today we read about Joseph’s side of the story. The text written by Matthew conveys his respect and love for both Mary and God, and plays an important role in the prophecy of Isaiah.

Joseph considers divorcing Mary in order to save her dignity, however this was not God’s plan. Therefore, He sends an angel in a dream to tell Joseph to marry Mary.  Joseph accepts the angel’s command and therefore also his fate: Becoming Jesus’ (earthly) father.

It seems like Joseph didn’t see it as a possibility to take Mary as his wife, until God demanded him to. Sometimes we limit our own options in life. In times like these, it can help to turn to God. He knows his plan with our lives and may reveal options that we haven’t even considered yet.

Take some time to consider whether or not you’re letting God show you his way. His ideas might surprise you in a good way.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 6

Day 6 – Luke 2:1-7
(by Meg)

This section begins by setting the scene for Jesus’ birth.Typically for Luke, this includes clear historical details, which explain why it was that at this particular time, a young couple from Nazareth ended up some way away in Bethlehem, where they had nowhere to stay.

Because of a Roman decree at the right time, it came about that the baby Mary was carrying was born in Bethlehem, far from their home, without even an inn to stay in. None of this was accidental; God had planned this all in advance, and had made known that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).

Take a moment and think about what it means to say that God chose to be born into the world in these circumstances (a country under the rule of another, without shelter, far from home). Consider also how it felt for Mary and Joseph to be far from home, with no one to welcome them and a small baby. Nobody made room for them to stay.

Take a moment to pray for people who are isolated in their communities, and for people who have just moved to new town and don’t know anyone. Think about your own life. Is there anyone you know who people don’t make room for? What can you do to make room for them?

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 5

Day 5. Isaiah 60:19-20
(by Jason)

So reading todays verses we see Isaiah talking about a time when we won’t need the sun or the moon to provide us light, and he is talking about heaven here. There will be light the whole time, and in verse 20 we read that all your days of sorrow will end. Thats no more pain and suffering in the world.

One of the biggest questions people ask is why is there so much suffering in the world if God loves us so much. But He still has a plan and is promising to stop that, and when He does we will suffer no more. This might be even harder to see that this year, after Paris, Beirut, and the war on terror that is flooding our news and our conversations at Youth Group. It’s easy to see that when we look outwards, Christmas might not be so much the same as it has been.

But we do look forward to the new heaven and earth when there will be no more pain and suffering. And Jesus’ return to us is the centre point of that plan. So as we remember the world expecting Jesus this Christmas, we can be expectant of an everlasting light that will actually take our sorrows away when Jesus comes again.

This is what we can expect from heaven, but what else can we expect in heaven. Spend some time thinking about what you want to see in heaven. If you have time, also look in the back of your bibles to see what else we can learn about heaven. One thing I do know is that it will be way better that we can ever imagine, beyond our wildest dreams.

Today, continue to pray for the victims of all the pain and suffering we have seen. Pray that they will also come to see that there is a bigger plan and they can also have confidence and faith in Jesus.

Christmas Bible Reading Plan 2015 – Day 4

Day 4. Jeremiah 33:14-15
(by Jason)

In our first Old Testament passage on our journey, I want to focus on the promise that God makes, and some of details of that promise. The promise of Jesus, God says, is the good promise. God has incredible and good intentions for all of His promises.

But one of the details links to what we have been talking about this last month on our lead up to the Youth Takeover. ‘In those days, and at that time, I will make a righteous branch sprout from David’s line;’. Both Joseph and Mary were in David’s line of ancestry, (they would have been distant cousins, so it was ok that they were together) so this is clearly one of those sign posts to Jesus being the one they were waiting for.

The most important thing about this though is that the promise would be fulfilled ‘In those days and and that time’. The time and place isn’t specified, but it was going to be at a specific time and place that God would fulfil this promise, and that shows that He is in full control and has a plan. Amongst all the craziness of Mary and Joseph’s lives, Jesus was born in exactly the right time and place. And THAT is praiseworthy.

Thank God today for His plans for you and for the world, and think about the promises and prayers you are still waiting on and think how amazing it will be when they are fulfilled.