Day 2 – Deuteronomy 30:19-20
by Jason
Todays passage is not one that you may be familiar with, but it is at the end of Moses’ life and leadership of Israel before he puts Joshua in charge. He is telling the people they have a choice. Life or death. God’s way or another way. And he is pleading that they choose life, to follow God’s ways not the ways of worshipping idols or living just their own benefit.
Choice is something that you do have. You make choices daily, for short-term events like what to have for lunch, or long-term decisions like what to do with your life. Either way, God gave us the ability to choose, and we can choose what we want. What we cannot choose though, are the consequences of the choices.
Which kind of choices will give us life, and which will lead us down a path of emptiness and destruction? It can be hard to work out sometimes, some choices may be fun to start with but then we can get addicted which will lead us to an obsession and missing the point. Even the right choices have consequences, but in this case the consequence is full and eternal life. Choosing life is all God really wants for us.